HyFlex Learning Community Building the Hybrid-Flexible Future Together
Update: June 3, 2021

Topics:  Communications | Gathering (webinar) | Workshop Opportunity | Recent Blog Posts



The HyFlex Learning Community (HLC) launched a few short weeks ago in mid-May, and we already have almost 200 members interested in learning and helping others build and teach HyFlex courses and programs. That’s amazing!

Communication is Critical to Community

An important aspect of community is communication, and we’d like to make sure we have several channels of communication available and working to support our efforts. This email represents a new channel for community news and we hope this is useful to you. When you signed up to join the HyFlex Learning Community recently, you didn’t sign up for a newsletter or regular emails unless you have subscribed to a forum discussion or posted a blog comment.


If you’d like to continue to receive periodic updates (every few weeks depending on community activity), you don't have to do anything. For this initial newsletter, we've subscribed your email address for  you so we could send this to you, but you can easily unsubscribe at anytime here [https://hyflexlearning.org/newsletter] or using the link at the bottom of this message.

Gathering Online June 11, 2021

We are hosting our inaugural HyFlex Learning Community gathering (online) on June 11, 2021 from 10:00am-11:00am PT. This first gathering will be spent exploring, explaining, and discussing the HLC website and the ways we can support each other this year. Bring your ideas, questions, and suggestions, as we’ll have some time for Q&A.


We are using the  GoToMeeting web conferencing system and have capacity for approximately 250 participants. To reserve a seat, please use this Eventbrite link [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hyflex-learning-community-gathering-june-2021-registration-157709554523] to register for the webinar and receive the event link through email. The gathering event is open to all who register - members and future members alike :)

HyFlex Course Design Workshop June 21-25, 2021

Many of us have completed some sort of professional development associated with HyFlex (or related) teaching and learning. For those who have not yet had this opportunity, we are making a one-week workshop available through the HLC. This fully online workshop is hosted in our own LMS site, is facilitated by several members of the HLC team, and consists of five 90-minute synchronous sessions throughout the week, supported by online resources and asynchronous discussion activities each day. For full description and the opportunity to enroll, visit https://www.hyflexlearning.org/workshops/   


More workshop dates will be added as needed to support the community. (We are also planning other workshops, built by and for the HLC community.)

Recent Blog Posts

View the entire blog here: https://www.hyflexlearning.org/blog/  Click from the list below to read each post at the blog site. Only HLC members are allowed to post blog comments, but  everyone can read any post and associated comments.

May 30, 2021 - Cathy Littlefield
Lost no more...Instruction and Holidays
Lost no more…Instruction and Holidays Academic calendars on the surface are pretty straight forward.  Fall classes start late August/early September, end in December; spring classes start in January, end in…
May 28, 2021 - Jeanne Samuel
HyFlex & Micro-Moments
As we moved to emergency remote learning last year, it became evident that the digital divide was wider than we knew. Importantly, we learned that it was not limited to…
May 24, 2021 - Melanie Lefebvre
So, What is HyFlex Anyway?
In October, 2019, I had yet to encounter the topic of HyFlex in the educational podcasts I was listening to at the time. Due to the pandemic, this is no…
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