This is an archive of the HyFlex Learning Community gatherings (webinars) hosted regularly for community members and others interested in our efforts to build, sustain and improve teaching and learning using HyFlex approaches. If you’d like to suggest a topic for a future gathering to this list, please use this suggestion form.
Recordings should be available for at least one year from the recording date. After one year, some recordings are no longer available (to manage data storage). Others have been moved to YouTube.
HyFlex Collaborative Conference Planning and Proposal Discussion – February 18, 2025
(recording link:
Use Passcode: nM9&N@yF)
HyFlex Collaborative Conference 2025 is coming soon! June 26, 2025. The HyFlex Learning Community and the Academy for the Advancement of Teaching, Leadership, and Schools (AATLAS) at the University at Albany organizers reviewed details about the third annual HyFlex Collaborative Conference scheduled for June 26, 2025. In this webinar, we reviewed the theme and general plan for the 2025 conference, released the Call for Proposals, and discussed opportunities for involvement. We also discussed other HyFlex topics that HLC members brought to the gathering.
Assessing in HyFlex in a World with GenAI – November 4, 2024 (recording link: Passcode: mU	kn 60 minutes)
In this webinar, we discussed “Assessing in HyFlex in a World with GenAI”. Glori Hinck, senior instructional designer at the University of St. Thomas explained the changes to assessment practices and expectations in HyFlex courses due to the growing use of GenAI tools and services. We had lots of links and other ideas to share as well.
HyFlex Trends and Issues on Campuses Fall 2024 – August 28, 2024 (recording link: 50 minutes)
In this webinar, we discussed current issues and questions with HyFlex at our institutions. Implementation trends, technology in classrooms, the use of AI to support learners (especially online learners), and more.
AI in Support of HyFlex Design and Learning: May 22, 2024 (Recording link: 68 minutes. (Recording started 1 minute late) Use Passcode: Hq5p@.W@ Transcript and chat embedded in recording player) Presentation slides: Open link to Google slides Shared Notes (open the editable Google doc ) In this webinar, we reviewed applications of AI in Support of HyFlex Teaching and Learning. We can use GenAI to help us assess learning, support student learning, and prepare our students for what comes next for them. But how does this impact our work in a HyFlex course setting? What do these new tools provide that we can leverage to make our work easier? better? more productive? We discussed several specific examples used at various stages of HyFlex design and teaching. Many links for further exploration!
HyFlex Collaborative Conference Planning and Proposal Discussion: April 4, 2024 (recording link: Passcode: ?$%k9WU+)
In this webinar, we reviewed the planning and proposal process for the upcoming 2nd Annual hyFlex Collaborative Conference on June 27, 2024. We also discussed current issues with HyFlex at our institutions.
2nd Annual HyFlex Collaborative Conference Preview: December 7, 2023 (recording link: 50 min) Transcript: Chat: In this webinar, we discussed planning for the upcoming 2nd Annual hyFlex Collaborative Conference on June 27, 2024. We also introduced and discussed the Call for Proposals: We hope to see you there (online) next summer!
HyFlex in recent EDUCAUSE reports: September 21, 2023 (recording link: Passcode: G=B6a^aQ 90 min) Transcript and chat included. In this webinar, we discussed two recent EDUCAUSE reports that highlight HyFlex teaching and learning. We reviewed the main findings from each report and discussed the implications for our HyFlex strategies and practices. Mentimeter polling results:
HyFlex in STEAM Courses: June 1, 2023 (recording link: Passcode: X$rVLp2h 90 min) Transcript and chat included.
Are teaching and learning in a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) course more challenging to support in a HyFlex format? We discussed challenges and solutions about STEAM courses in HyFlex and much more. Link to our shared Google doc to gather ideas: Presentation slides with links: PDF file
Implications of the Shift Toward Online Participation: April 28, 2023 (recording link: 90 min) Transcript included as captions.
When traditional classes shift over to HyFlex teaching and learning, there is always a move toward online learning. Otherwise, why would you need HyFlex? For some, this shift may become a migration, with all students eventually choosing online options rather than participating in the classroom. In this webinar, we discussed how and why this shift occurs, and the consequences for learners and teachers.
HyFlex Collaborative Conference: February 17, 2023 (recording link: 59 min) Turn on closed captions if desired. No transcript or chat included.
This month we discussed the upcoming HyFlex Collaborative Conference scheduled for June 26, 2023. Ways to participate include attending in person or online, presenting your work in HyFlex, or sponsoring the conference. More information about the conference is available here:
Preparing Faculty for HyFlex: December 6, 2022 (recording link: Passcode required: W*1G0rYT 80 min) Transcript and chat included.
This month we discussed how we prepare faculty for HyFlex teaching. We heard from several seasoned HyFlex faculty preparers; instructional designers, directors, and faculty. We reviewed several professional development courses and workshops used by colleges and universities. We closed with an explanation of a “HyFlex Course Design Review Rubric” designed by members of the HyFlex Learning Community and intended to supplement an existing online course quality review rubric that is already in use but isn’t a complete fit to the HyFlex context. This rubric was initially discussed in our May 12, 2022 gathering (view the recording linked below) and will be posted soon in the HyFlex Learning Community Resources section.
How do we manage unbalanced participation modes in HyFlex courses? October 28, 2022 (recording link: Transcript link: 90 min)
This month we discussed teaching in HyFlex courses with unbalanced participation across modes. What is the impact on learning when very few students are participating in a specific mode? What teaching strategies can we use to mitigate possible learning challenges? What about teaching challenges? How do teachers feel when a carefully planned mode has little or no participants? How and when does this matter? The results of our interactive presentation polling are available here (PDF file)
How do we create equitable assessment in HyFlex courses? August 4, 2022 (recording link: 80 min) Transcript
This month we discussed equitable assessment in HyFlex courses and especially in the various modes of a HyFlex course. What changes when you offer multiple paths for participation? How can we design an equivalent evaluation of learning in each path? How can we support student self-evaluation in each path? The results of our interactive presentation polling are available here (PDF file). Until August 18, 2022, you can add your voice to the polling also, using this link:
Members of the HyFlex Learning Community (HLC) forum are invited to continue the discussion in the HyFlex Learning Community forum: Assessment in HyFlex Courses
What is the potential impact of HyFlex programs on campus life? June 23, 2022 (recording link: 80 min) Transcript:
This month we discussed the potential impact that offering HyFlex (hybrid and flexible) courses may have on campus community life. When students are free to choose to attend class in person (on-campus) or online, how does this change the campus experience? With legitimate concerns over the reduced social engagement on campuses during the pandemic, and the impact that may be having on school enrollment and class registrations, this is an important question for institutional leadership to consider, and HyFlex practitioners should be part of this discussion. Does a large number of HyFlex courses further reduce on-campus community? Does offering flexible learning solutions to students attract more enrollment? How can we assess the impacts? Listen in to our discussion, and then participate in community discussions (in the forum and commenting on blog posts).
HyFlex course quality evaluation rubric – May 12, 2022 (recording link: 45 min Link to Transcript; Link to Mentimeter activity results: PDF file)
This month we discussed “community-sourcing” a HyFlex course evaluation rubric. Many of us use rubrics to evaluate the quality of online course design (and sometimes teaching), but how many have this for their HyFlex courses? None we know of. We started the process of building one together for all of us to use. Our working document is available for HyFlex Learning Community members to view and edit at
Is HyFlex moving more online than ever before? April 8, 2022 (recording link: 57 min transcript file)
This month we discussed the needed flexibility in our HyFlex courses as more students are telling us they prefer the online mode(s) we offer, and their participation choices are showing this even now. What should we do when all of our students in a HyFlex class choose to participate online and their flexibility takes place between synchronous and asynchronous online modes? Is this still HyFlex when no one chooses the classroom option? We discussed questions like these and shared some dynamic planning documents. Watch the recording for links to those documents in the chat transcript.
What prevents or hinders HyFlex adoption? February 28, 2022 (Recording: Transcript:
This month we discussed common barriers to HyFlex adoption and implementation, and new challenges we are seeing at various institutions. You can view some of the notes we captured during the discussion in this Google document, and view the results of our getting started Mentimeter activity. The recording includes not only an audio transcript but also a chat transcript with more of our conversation.
Transitioning a course lesson to HyFlex modes – January 19, 2022 (recording no longer available)
This month we discussed a method to transition a single course lesson designed for one mode (such as asynchronous) and design the same lesson for another mode (such as in-person). Dr. Jeanne Samuel led us through the process she has followed and taught others to follow for several years. She has also shared the presentation slides (PDF file) and the worksheet (Word doc) with a Creative Commons license so we can all revise and reuse in our own settings. Thanks, Jeanne!
Open Forum – December 10, 2021 (recording no longer available)
This month we held an open forum discussion that included topics such as, engagement strategies across learning modes, administrative challenges associated with new definitions of distance education, authentic assessment in HyFlex courses, and settling on a definition of HyFlex for an institution. We also discussed creating a HyFlex Learning Community listserv to support more effective and timely communication among our community members. Watch for that feature soon!
Recommendation: design and build an asynchronous path first – October 27, 2021. (recording no longer available)
This month we discussed designing and teaching an “asynchronous first” flipped course that can become the backbone of your HyFlex course. We spent some time sharing ideas and practices for engaging your asynchronous students as well as bringing them together in discussion with the synchronous students as much as possible. This was an abbreviated session as we dealt with technology issues at the beginning. (Just like we do in some real class situations!)
Engaging students within and across learning modes – September 24, 2021 (Recording link: Download 55 min Transcript Download)
This month we discussed strategies and tactics to engage with students learning in synchronous modes, classroom, and online (web conferencing). So many challenges! And even more great ideas on overcoming those challenges and designing for effective learning in both synchronous modes. Additional resources: Shared Google doc with notes and resource links | Link to the Mentimeter activity we used in the live session
Using LEML to reveal the structure and flow of a HyFlex lesson – August 20, 2021 (Recording link: Download 60 min Transcript Download)
This month we explored the Learning Environment Modeling Language (LEML), a graphics-based system used to visually show the structure and flow of a lesson or course and its potential application in the HyFlex course design and evaluation process. Additional resources: Presentation Slides (PDF) | Example LEML diagram for HyFlex unit (simplified)
How can we support students in choosing an effective participation path? July 9, 2021 (Recording link: Download 60 min Transcript Download)
This month, we discussed and brainstormed ways we can support students as they make choices about how they’ll participate in their HyFlex courses. What guidance is needed? What are students likely to use? How can the HyFlex Learning Community support site support faculty and designers in developing support resources? Participants’ ideas, resources, and questions as we launched a collaborative effort to create effective and shareable student support resources for the community. Interested in participating? HyFlex Learning Community members can join in the discussion in the forum focused on the student experience. Additional resources: Presentation Slides | Results from the Mentimeter activity in the webinar | Webinar chat transcript
Welcome to the HyFlex Learning Community – June 11, 2021 (Recording link: Download 60 min Transcript Download
Activity and Presentation Slides Download.
Introducing the HyFlex Learning Community. This first gathering focused on exploring, explaining, and discussing the HLC website and the ways we can support each other this year. Participants shared ideas, questions, and suggestions, during Q&A.
Dr. Brian Beatty is Professor of Instructional Design and Technology in the Department of Equity, Leadership Studies and Instructional Technologies at San Francisco State University. At SFSU, Dr. Beatty pioneered the development and evaluation of the HyFlex course design model for blended learning environments, implementing a “student-directed-hybrid” approach to better support student learning.
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