Glori Hinck

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  • in reply to: Our First HyFlex Evaluation #1189
    Glori HinckGlori Hinck

    Hi Susan, apologies for the delayed response! Below is our survey. Please let me know if you have any questions.


    Welcome to the University of St. Thomas HyFlex Classroom Study and thanks for your contribution!
    You have volunteered to participate in a research project designed to explore the impact of the HyFlex learning environment on the student experience and student performance. The HyFlex learning environment allows students to choose how they participate in a course on a class-to-class basis.

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to give you a chance to tell how you feel about your FINC 321 experience. Your response will help guide development of future learning environments at the University of St. Thomas.

    All individual responses to this survey are confidential in accordance with the professional and ethical research guidelines of the University, and stored in secure University facilities.
    The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

    1. Which primary mode of participation did you originally plan to use during the term?

      face-to-face (coming to the traditional class on campus)
      online asynchronous (viewing content and videos in the learning management system)
      online synchronous (participating via the web-conferencing system)
      I planned on participating in all three modes
      I did not have a plan

    2. Approximately what percent of the time did you participate in each type of learning over the term? (must add up to 100)

      online asychronous
      online synchronous

    2. My preferred mode of participation:

      online asynchronous
      online synchronous

    3. How far was your commute to UST during the summer term 2017?
    <1 mile | 1-3 miles | 4-6 miles | 7-10 miles | 11-20 miles | 21-50 miles | > 50 miles

    4. How many other online or blended courses have you taken prior to your experience at the University of St. Thomas?
    None | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | More than 5

    5. Please indicate to what degree you agree with the following statements from strongly agree to strongly disagree about your HyFlex FINC 321 course experience.

      The face-to-face instruction was useful
      The online instruction was useful
      I feel that I learned as much or more than I expected to learn in this class

    6. Please rate the value of each of the following learning activities used in this HyFlex FINC 321 class from very high to very low; select n/a if you did not participate in an activity.

      Face-to-face classroom sessions
      Live web-conferencing sessions
      Recorded web-conferencing sessions
      Online asynchronous discussions
      Textbook readings
      Weekly assignments
      Online peer interaction
      Face-to-face peer interaction

    7. Please indicate how connected you felt to the following groups during class this term from very strong to very weak. Compare this class experience to other class experiences.

      Business College
      University of St. Thomas

    8. I would prefer to take most of my courses:

      Fully online
      Completely in person
      Blended (instructor decides what is online and what is face-to-face)
      HyFlex (blended with flexible participation)

    9. Please comment on your participation over the term. Did you vary your mode from face-to-face to online or vice versa? If so, why? Did you prefer one mode over the other? If so, why?

    10. What one thing would you suggest to improve the HyFlex experience?

    11. Did you experience any technical glitches? If so, please describe.


    12. Which restroom do you choose?


    13. Year in school?


    14. Age:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Glori HinckGlori Hinck.
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