HyFlex Collaborative Conference 2025 is Coming in June!

Join us on Thursday, June 26, 2025 online, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM ET. Hosted by the HyFlex Learning Community and the HyFlex Collaborative at the University at Albany, SUNY. The HyFlex Collaborative is pleased to announce the 2025 annual HyFlex Collaborative Conference on Thursday, June 26, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Eastern Standard […]

Exploring the Continued Growth of HyFlex Learning in 2024: Key Insights for Educators

As educators and students continue adapting to evolving learning environments post-pandemic, the Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) model has emerged as a vital strategy for providing flexible, inclusive, and technology-driven education. In 2024, academic researchers have expanded our understanding of how HyFlex impacts learning outcomes, engagement, and equity across educational settings with many interesting”post-pandemic context” articles. This post […]

How Can A GenAI GPT Help Students Choose A Learning Mode?

One question that many new to HyFlex have is how to support students making the “best” choice they can for learning, and not just for convenience. Of course it would be nice if every student chose a learning mode for every session that would best support their learning. Alas, it seems that some times that […]

Guidelines for Group Projects in a HyFlex Course

Many faculty use group projects for short-term (hours) or long-term (weeks or months) complex tasks to help students learn. Beyond supporting content learning, using group projects in HyFlex courses can enhance student engagement and collaboration across different participation modes. This can be challenging since students may not stay in the same participation mode from session […]

Can Gen AI be used to support “accidental” asynchronous learners in HyFlex courses?

The HyFlex Learning Community site and blog is full of information, stories and resources that support the development and implementation of HyFlex courses which offer students the flexibility to choose between in-person, synchronous online, and asynchronous online learning modes. However, we have learned over the years that this flexibility can lead to a unique challenge […]

What Value do Students find in a HyFlex Course when Almost Everyone is Online?

co-written (assisted by) ChatGPT (4) During and after the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022), many HyFlex instructors found students moving completely or mostly online. Notably, not all HyFlex classes shifted largely online. In many classes, there are compelling reasons for students to attend in person – access to equipment (rather than simulations), proximity to living spaces, convenience […]

Student Perspectives on Flexibility, Choice, and Equity – the 2023 EDUCAUSE Student Survey Report

EDUCAUSE released the 2023 Students and Technology Report: Flexibility, Choice, and Equity in the Student Experience in August 2023. The report highlights and access to the full report is available at: https://library.educause.edu/resources/2023/8/2023-students-and-technology-report-flexibility-choice-and-equity-in-the-student-experience Almost 2000 students from 10 U.S. institutions of higher learning responded to the survey this year. The introduction to the report sets the […]

Bimodal HyFlex – High-touch engagement strategies for when students opt for online

HyFlex is an instructional model that allows students to choose between different modes of learning: in-person, synchronous online (virtual), or asynchronous online. This model has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially since the start of the pandemic, but also in online institutions, as it allows for greater flexibility and customization in the learning experience.  […]

Course Awareness in HyFlex: Managing unequal participation numbers

How do you teach a HyFlex course when the number of students in various participation modes is very unequal? How do you teach one student in a mode – often in the classroom? Conversely, you could ask how do you teach 50 asynchronous students with very few in the synchronous mode(s)? Answers will vary greatly […]

Mastery Learning for Additional Flexibility

Traditional Learning Environments In traditional learning environments, the teacher sets the pace. All learners move on to the next lesson regardless of readiness. That means that the instruction time is the constant and the outcome is flexible: A-F. Traditional (Teacher-Centered) classroom flow is listed in the bullets below. §  Participate in instructional activities supporting learning […]