HyFlex By Any Other Name Is Just As Sweet

Last week I came across this article by Perry Samson in the Educause Review Students Often Prefer In-Person Classes . . . Until They Don’t and I was surprised to find out that the article was about a professor using the HyFlex approach (the three choice HyFlex approach of asynch, synch, and in person) without […]

Just released! Hybrid-Flexible Course Design – an “open” book describing HyFlex design efforts

Just released October 23, 2019 at AECT 2019 Convention in Las Vegas – an open access book summarizing years of practice (aka design research) into combining online and classroom college students in the same classes, and turning control over participation decisions to students. Special thanks to many collaborators over the years, and especially to our […]

Hybrid Flexible Course and Program Design: Models for Student-Directed Hybrids

Originally posted on April 6, 2016 by Brian Beatty On April 21, 2016, I will be joined by six colleagues on a panel presentation describing the hybrid flexible (HyFlex, in my terms) approaches our respective institutions are implementing to meet the specific needs and desires of our constituents. Here I provide a brief summary from the panel presentation […]

Life changes plans sometimes…

  Originally posted on December 14, 2012 by Brian Beatty We recently surveyed students in the Instructional Technologies MA program at San Francisco State University, and found that students once again report that they appreciate the flexibility offered by the HyFlex course design. No surprise there; its the most consistent “finding” in surveys, end of class evaluations and anecdotal reports we […]

Looking for HyFlex Case Reports

Originally posted on June 18, 2011 by Brian Beatty Sloan-C just finished another HyFlex Course Design workshop this past week (June 2011), with over 20 professionals who are using HyFlex courses or interested in beginning to use HyFlex courses in their teaching or instructional design work. We’ve been offering these workshops for several years, and the discussion that takes […]

HyFlex Participation – Once again, graduate students attend class in-person most of the time

Originally posted on January 5, 2011 by Brian Beatty Another semester ends and more data is gathered on HyFlex participation. This semester, I had only one fully HyFlex course section, with a starting n=19 students. Most students finished the course very successfully, no matter which way they attended week by week. At the end of the semester, four […]