Launching the HyFlex Learning Community Site

The need for increased access to high quality, equitable access to learning at all levels of education has never been greater. Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) learning environments support students, faculty, and schools in providing excellent learning experiences in both classroom and online settings, and allow students the choice of participation mode. The HyFlex Learning Community will help […]

Hybrid Flexible Course and Program Design: Models for Student-Directed Hybrids

Originally posted on April 6, 2016 by Brian Beatty On April 21, 2016, I will be joined by six colleagues on a panel presentation describing the hybrid flexible (HyFlex, in my terms) approaches our respective institutions are implementing to meet the specific needs and desires of our constituents. Here I provide a brief summary from the panel presentation […]

Assessing the Need for Support – Faculty

Originally posted on June 22, 2012 by Brian Beatty As faculty consider using hybrid approaches in their teaching, especially more complex approaches like HyFlex, what support do they need? We’ve seen common needs in several areas, here are four: Learning how to teach online students Preparing (or adapting) instructional materials for online learners Facilitating live online students (if […]

Shifting Expectations

Originally posted on October 6, 2011 by Brian Beatty Akin to the changing messages to various adoption groups (see previous posts in the HyFlex World), the expected returns (expectations) may change over time as faculty, students and administers develop some experience using HyFlex courses. This is a natural process, and shouldn’t be resisted… but it does inject more […]

The Student Assistant Voice: Supporting Instructors in Using Hyflex

Originally posted on December 22, 2010 by Brian Beatty I asked a recent graduate to talk about her experience working with one of our faculty in creating a HyFlex version of his traditional classroom-delivered course. Here is what she said: “If you want to learn more about Hyflex or get hands-on experience organizing a course in an LMS, […]

Accelerate Adoption: Communicate within and among Faculty Peer Groups

Originally posted on December 15, 2010 by Brian Beatty Note: I advocate the HyFlex delivery approach for faculty, students, in courses or disciplines where instruction can be effective with both classroom and online delivery. This discussion is targeted at situations where HyFlex delivery make good sense, solving important problems or leveraging some significant new opportunity. It takes more than […]

You’re a change agent: Leverage the characteristics of HyFlex for specific contexts

Originally posted on November 30, 2010 by Brian Beatty Disclaimer Note: I am NOT advocating the HyFlex delivery approach for all faculty, all students, or in all courses or disciplines. This discussion is targeted at situations where HyFlex delivery does make sense, solving important problems or enabling some significant new opportunity. Faculty in the majority segments of an adoption […]

Expanding the reach of HyFlex within the faculty social system

Originally posted on November 19, 2010 by Brian Beatty If HyFlex course delivery makes sense for a particular context, it usually begins with individual faculty who are personally motivated and energized to try this approach to meet important goals associated with delivery mode. In my case, it was the need to maintain a quality classroom program and add […]