Addressing student support needs – General Needs

Originally posted on September 13, 2012 by Brian Beatty What supports do students need when beginning a HyFlex course experience? As with most, if not all, instructional delivery/course modes, there are several general supports needed, and specific supports depending on the exact implementation approach being used. This post describes a few of the general supports. A follow-on post […]

Assessing the Need for Support – Faculty

Originally posted on June 22, 2012 by Brian Beatty As faculty consider using hybrid approaches in their teaching, especially more complex approaches like HyFlex, what support do they need? We’ve seen common needs in several areas, here are four: Learning how to teach online students Preparing (or adapting) instructional materials for online learners Facilitating live online students (if […]

HyFlex Design Enables a Quick Flip

Originally posted on March 23, 2012 by Brian Beatty The term “flipping the classroom” has been used more and more in discussions around using technology to change classroom practice. A “flipped” classroom? The term seems to have been coined as “Inverting the Classroom” in a 2000 Journal of Economic Education article by Lage, Platt & Treglia. (See for more on flipping […]

Relationship-Driven – Customer-centric Principle Four

Originally posted on March 15, 2012 by Brian Beatty Relationship-Driven – “With Me, Along the Way: I have an ongoing relationship with the company; there is a clear focus on relationship-building versus transaction-processing, they manage for the long term value in our relationship.” HyFlex courses implement this principle when the instructor creates opportunities for all students in the […]

Delight the Customer – Customer-centric Principle Three

  Originally posted on March 8, 2012 by Brian Beatty Delight the Customer – “Anticipates My Needs: My interactions with the company are excellent; they are solution-focused versus product-centric.” HyFlex courses implement this principle when the focus of faculty and student effort is on achieving important learning outcomes, not on the simple completion of detailed activities themselves. When […]

Ease and Convenience – Customer-centric Principle Two

Originally posted on January 5, 2012 by Brian Beatty Ease and Convenience – “What I Want, When and Where I Want It: I experience no hassles in my interactions; the company representative strives to meet me where I am at.” HyFlex courses implement this principle when they offer a range of participation options that meet the felt and […]

Personalize – Customer-centric Principle One

Originally posted on December 5, 2011 by Brian Beatty Personalize – “Addresses My Unique Needs: Products and interactions with the company are tailored for me and my situation.” HyFlex courses may be designed to meet the unique (and personal) needs of learners, especially as they relate to completing course requirements and participating in class activities. If one of […]