Lost no more…Instruction and Holidays

Lost no more…Instruction and Holidays Academic calendars on the surface are pretty straight forward.  Fall classes start late August/early September, end in December; spring classes start in January, end in May; summer classes start in May, end in August.  However, even the most intentional academic calendar has occasional shortened weeks due to planned and unplanned […]

HyFlex & Micro-Moments

As we moved to emergency remote learning last year, it became evident that the digital divide was wider than we knew. Importantly, we learned that it was not limited to our learners, but also applied to our faculty. Although Delgado Community College first piloted HyFlex in 2015, we did not have enough HyFlex adoption at […]

Launching the HyFlex Learning Community Site

The need for increased access to high quality, equitable access to learning at all levels of education has never been greater. Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) learning environments support students, faculty, and schools in providing excellent learning experiences in both classroom and online settings, and allow students the choice of participation mode. The HyFlex Learning Community will help […]

Just released! Hybrid-Flexible Course Design – an “open” book describing HyFlex design efforts

Just released October 23, 2019 at AECT 2019 Convention in Las Vegas – an open access book summarizing years of practice (aka design research) into combining online and classroom college students in the same classes, and turning control over participation decisions to students. Special thanks to many collaborators over the years, and especially to our […]

Hybrid Flexible Course and Program Design: Models for Student-Directed Hybrids

Originally posted on April 6, 2016 by Brian Beatty On April 21, 2016, I will be joined by six colleagues on a panel presentation describing the hybrid flexible (HyFlex, in my terms) approaches our respective institutions are implementing to meet the specific needs and desires of our constituents. Here I provide a brief summary from the panel presentation […]