Topical Discussions: Generative Learning Activities Focused on Course Content

Originally posted on March 26, 2010 by Brian Beatty I use the HyFlex course design for graduate seminar classes; the only classes I teach right now. Each of these courses delivers/explores a body of content and requires students to read lots of information and make some sense of it, building their knowledge as they go. (Sound familiar?) Most […]

Reflections: A Shared Experience to Connect Students

Originally posted on March 22, 2010 by Brian Beatty One assignment in every graduate course I teach is to post weekly to a reflection forum. Here is a recent assignment description for the reflection post, an excerpt from the course syllabus: Weekly you will post your thoughts about the class, your project and the instructional design field in […]

Discussions drive connections among students

Originally posted on March 18, 2010 by Brian Beatty In a HyFlex course, the online discussions are a primary means of connecting students who complete class activities online and offline (in-person, in class).  Though a natural connection point is course content, in general, content itself is not interactive. Students can just as easily read a text, watch a […]

Four Fundamental Principles for HyFlex – The Pillars

Originally posted on March 18, 2010 by Brian Beatty I’ve developed the HyFlex approach based upon four fundamental principles; Learner Choice, Equivalency, Reusability, and Accessibility. To me, these four represent key values that I want to make a reality in my teaching and for my students.  In this post, I’ll explain each principle briefly. Please leave comments and questions! Principle […]