Challenges and Solutions


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  • Author
    • #2100
      Brian BeattyBrian Beatty

      What challenges (and solutions) have you found with assessment in HyFlex courses?

    • #2379
      Abigail TitusAbigail Titus

      One of the main challenges with Hyflex assessment is knowing whether or not the results are authentic or accurate. It can easier for students to look up answers, use outside resources, or get help, hat they would not in a traditional classroom. This means, it can be difficult to know for sure whether or not the results that we receive truly represent our students strengths and needs. In some cases, this can be aided through proctoring assessments by doing video calls with uses and using shared screens.

    • #2380
      Angelica PinedaAngelica Pineda

      I have yet to design a Hyflex course, but what I could see being a challenge is ensuring that assessments are effectively measuring a learner’s knowledge and skills. It really depends on how the instructor executes this piece, but I find that multiple choice questions aren’t that effective. Anyone can guess the answers or to Abigail’s point, look up the answers. I believe the best way to measure a learners knowledge is how they apply what they learn. For example, in Dr.Beatty’s class, he requires projects, written papers and presentations.

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