Originally posted on June 18, 2011 by Brian Beatty
Sloan-C just finished another HyFlex Course Design workshop this past week (June 2011), with over 20 professionals who are using HyFlex courses or interested in beginning to use HyFlex courses in their teaching or instructional design work. We’ve been offering these workshops for several years, and the discussion that takes place is always informative and very useful.
It seems that more and more institutions and individual faculty are discovering the HyFlex courses can help their students learn better in some meaningful way. I think it’s time to begin gathering case reports of these efforts in order to begin building an applied literature base to help others make decisions regarding HyFlex implementation.
Update: Examples from five universities are included in this handout from a OLC Accelerate panel presentation in 2016: hybridflexiblecourseandprogramdesignmodelsforstudentdirectedhybrids_handout
If you would like to contribute a case report, please contact me (Dr. Brian Beatty) at bjbeatty@sfsu.edu. I will be creating several case reports of my own and posting them here for initial review and later to the HyFlex Design Case website (which hasn’t been built yet). Case reports should include information about the core values that underly the HyFlex design choice, important goals for learning interactions and activities (not focused on content, but on interactions leading to learning), specific methods being used to bring about learning, and the conditions that impact the effectiveness of the HyFlex instruction.
When I finish a case report using this framework I will post it here so that this approach will be more clear. In the meantime, you can review this framework as I applied it to a series of case reports about online instruction in my 2002 dissertation, Social Interaction in Online Learning: A Situationalities Framework for Choosing Instructional Methods, linked here: http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~bjbeatty/dissert/dissert_index.htm Look for the “Summary Diagram of Situationalities Framework” for a visual description of the key elements of a case.